Friday, September 3, 2010

School is getting in the way of my vacation!!

Well I haven't done anything too exciting these past few weeks because its coming down to the Mid-Semester mark! I can't believe its here already! Thank goodness I'll be here for an extra month after my finals! But these past few weeks have been hectic with work.

2 printmaking projects

1 Critical Review

2 Presentations

2 Presentation Papers

1 Math assignment

1 Math quiz

2 engineering quizzes

All of this in a 4 week time period! Its a good thing I was blessed with intelligence... or maybe its just the ability to BS my way through work under pressure! Just kidding, Dad!

On top of all of my work I've been:

1. Attending 9 hours of lectures and 7 hours of tutorials a week (as teacher’s pet)

2. Watching Men's and Women’s Intercol Tennis (as spectator)

3. Taking out Makenzie's dreadlocks (as a good friend)

4. Playing the guitar (as student aka Taylor Swift)

5. Singing in Palladian - Choir competition (as Soprano)

6. Surprising our friend Beatrice for her birthday (as her American friend)

7. Eating a whole bunch of junk thanks to my Mom's awesome care package (as "that" girl in college)

8. Reading Uncle Pete's daily emails (as Maggot)

9. Watching the Trinity Soccer team and sending some friends encouraging messages about the season (as honorary Soccer Mom)

10. Organizing Soccer Moms for the boys soccer team back at Trinity (as Soccer Grandma?)

11. Taking penicillin and Advil 4 times a day (as sick chick with tonsillitis)

12. Talking to my parents as much as possible about school/life/my illness (as the favorite daughter)

13. Applying to every job that is looking for someone (as the desperate female that wants money)

14. Scheduling a dinner with Lachlan’s family (as honorary (homesick) daughter)

15. Evacuating Wesley at 3:45am because of a fire alarm (as innocent sleeper)

16. Writing my Christmas list (as Sydney on Santa’s “NICE” list)

17. Entertaining Anna and Carly on their Spring Break to Sydney (as the best roommate ever) – separate blog to be posted shortly

18. Teaching Australian’s how to make s’mores –in the microwave (as the best American to ever enter Wesley – just kidding about that one)

That is all I can think of at this time but it seems like a lot. I’m having a good time here if you can’t tell but school is definitely getting in the way! I want it to be over however I don’t want my trip to end! I do miss home and definitely miss Trinity University since everyone is back now and having fun, but I know this trip is an experience that I won’t ever get to have later in my life! I will be home/at Trinity for the next 2-6 years and only here for 3 more months! Even though my list looks long, and fun, I need to step up my Australian game and get some more fun out of my experience – if its possible!!!

Shout out to the Trinity Girls and Boy’s soccer teams that won this past Wednesday! Good luck this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention that you were trying out all the experiences in and around Sydney so you can be my tour guide in October! Can't wait! xoxo Next care package leaving later this week; special requests? Email them to me!
