Most of my lecture classes are huge! 100-200 students! I have three tutorials that are about 15-20 students. Those are more interactive and more important to really understand what is going on in the class. My art class is one day a week for three hours. There are only about 10 students in the class but its pretty fun! We did some drypoint etching yesterday and I definitely will need some more practice. We have a project coming up where we have three A5 plates that we will etch into, paint and print on one mounting. We were given three words ( a country, an animal, and an adjective) to help us come up with a theme for our piece. My three words were: Danish, Sheep and Intimate! I have to relate those three words and also relate the three plates into one piece! It's going to be pretty tough so I'll take suggestions. I don't have to actually use the words or the exact definitions so that leaves a lot of room for interpretation!
My Indigenous Australia class had its tutorial today - lots of reading! We had an Aboriginal actually come in today and speak to us.... I didn't really understand what he was saying but he was pretty funny! He actually saw one of the students reading for the class on the bus and he asked if he could come into the class with her and speak to us! I thought that was hilarious!
Overall the classes are a bit boring but hopefully they'll pick up soon! Life in Wesley definitely makes up for the boring lectures. Some boys took my hall-mate's entire room and moved it outside into the rain! Including the mattress! These people are crazy! This is definitely the ultimate Frat House!
They all want things from America! I've already asked Mom for tootsie rolls, flaming hot cheetos and red solo cups! If you think of anything you think that I'll need over here from America you can either tell my Mom or send it to me! I have a mailing address!
Sydney Foreman-Gerbino
Wesley College
Western Avenue
University of Sydney, NSW 2006 AU
I am posting some pictures and some posts from my two weeks of being here! Go check them out!
Hi! Here are ideas to help stimulate your creativity!! Google "sheep icon" images. Good ideas for not so difficult drawings; make one your own by combining several ideas. Search for synonyms for "intimate"; "buddy buddy" comes up. Then you can use an online translator to find a cute saying about friendship. Sounds like fun! Be creative! xoxo