Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sydney in Sydney

"Hey, how ya goin'?"

This is how we are greeted by everyone in our college! We've learned that it means "how's it goin'?" or "how are you doing?" and not "how are you getting to where you need to be?".

There are so many new phrases that Makenzie and I have adopted and think that everyone around the world should know about:

"how'd you find it?" = "how did you like it?"
"footie" = "soccer"
"jumper" = "sweater"
"mozzie" = "mosquito"
"bewdy" = "beautiful"

and plenty of others. I would like to stay and write however I am paying for every megabyte I use on the internet so I will write a full blog post on my computer and then post it to my blog!!

Can't wait for all of you to be involved in my new life here in my city!


  1. Hey! I posted a comment earlier saying hello from the Paterno's and me! Where'd it go? So excited to be able to enjoy your adventure with you! xoxox laloo (teach your new friends about laloo!)

  2. I posted another comment awhile ago but apparently it didn't go through for some reason. We are happy to have this blog site so we can keep up with all the fun and good things you are doing.

  3. Hey, Sweet Sydney!!
    I am so proud of you!!! Be sure and find out how much eucalyptus it takes to maintain a koala bear! If I can get some growing while you're there, maybe you can bring me one home for a new pet! Ha Ha
    Love you,
    Aunt Rhonda

  4. How's it goin Bewdy?!?!
    I hear that the weather is cold so you need to wear your jumper especially while out watching a footie game. I guess it is too cold for the mozzie to be flying. Have you gotten to see any Dingos? Well I have to get back to work. Can't wait to here more about your adventure. Make sure you take plenty of pics
    Love you lots, xoxoxo -Aunt Marianne

  5. Hey, Sydney!
    Just jottin' you a short note to say "hi" and letcha know I'm thinking of you!!
    God bless!
    Aunt Rhonda

  6. Hi Beauty!
    xoxo laloo

  7. Looking forward to hearing about your exciting adventures. While you are there, don't forget to keep a watch out for our Message In The Bottle. LOL

    Hooroo for now!
    Love, Aunt Honey

  8. I absolutely love the blog title. :) and I miss you dearly! I hope you are loving Sydney Sydney! Love you! :)

  9. Good Morning, dear one!! Hope all is going well with you and that you are getting all settled in and underway in your new adventure. Know it will be an exciting time for you. Love u & miss u!!! Mammaw & Pappaw

  10. Who needs reality television when you can enjoy "Sydney in Sydney" reality

    You are definitely not bored with all that is going on . Boy, two "Top" girls in one dorm room, it can't get any better then that.
    I can't wait to hear more of your adventure and see pics. By the way...How is the food?

    Love ya Lots xoxoxoxoxo

  11. Hi Scutch!
    Love your posts and our chats on the phone or skype. Sorry I missed you last night, I got home late after the tailgate party. It was fun. Both teams came so we fed many people. The Gittleman's weren't able to be there last night so they're having their's today! I will try to go there too, at least for a little while.

    How's your ankle? If you made it to the beach I assume you're walking on it so that's good. Can't wait to hear about your softball game on Tuesday.

    Your box is not quite full so will probably mail on Monday. Still searching for more cheetos!

    xoxoxo laloo

  12. Sounds like you are having a great time and some wonderful experiences in the "Land Down Under". Your Mom said your Trinity friend was coming from New Zealand to spend the weekend with you so know that will be fun. Have a great time!! Miss You!! Love You, Mammaw & Pappaw

  13. Hey, Sydney!!!
    Just wanted to jot a line and let you know I've been thinking of you! Sounds like you're having quite a time "down under!" I have started the new school year and am really busy these days, long hours out there, but that's just what I do!
    Have the time of your life, my sweet niece!
    Love you!
    God bless,
    Aunt Rhonda

  14. Read your last post. Sounds like you are a busy busy young lady. Know you are having the time of your life and building many many great memories that will last a lifetime. Hear you are going to New Zealand this weekend. Wish you could take Pappaw with you cause he has always wanted to go there. Have a fun time. Love You Bunches!! Pappaw & Mammaw

  15. WOW!! Just finished reading your newest post a few days ago. You stay busy busy, don't you? Know you are looking forward to your Mom's visit. You all will have a great visit and a whole bunch of fun I bet. Love You!!
